Sam Ratulangi
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Sam Ratulangi Learning Abroad in a Nutshell

So, this dude named Sam Ratulangi from Minahasa decides to fly all the way to the Netherlands to chase some knowledge. Now, he’s got these fancy credentials from the Dutch East Indies, kind of like a high school diploma, you know. But when he hits up Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, they’re like, “Nah, no math degree for you, dude.” Tough break, right? But our man Sam, he’s not one to throw in the towel. A Dutch socialist, a pal of R.A. Kartini, steps in, pulls some strings, and bam! Sam’s on a transfer to Zurich University. Long story short, Sam becomes the first Indonesian with a Ph.D. in math. Beat that! koin303

Back in the Day in Minahasa

So, picture this—Sam’s born into this fancy family in Tondano, North Sulawesi. Minahasa, yeah, it’s been rocking since the 18th century. Before that, it was known as Landstreek van Manado. Some deal in 1679 with folks from North Sulawesi, kings, and the Dutch East India Company (VOC) went down to kick out the Spaniards. Guess who won? VOC. Minahasa was basically theirs.

Minahasa’s Makeover: Thanks, Christianity and Dutch Rules

Fast forward to the Dutch East Indies era, and boom! Nationalism’s the new cool thing, especially in Minahasa. Scholars say it’s a mix of everyone getting into Christianity and the Dutch throwing their rules around. From 1831 to 1891, folks in Minahasa are converting to Christianity like it’s a trend, thanks to the Dutch missionary squad known as Nederlandsch Zendeling Genootschaap (NZG). NZG’s all about preaching unity among the Minahasa peeps.

Smart Moves and Snobbish Vibes in Minahasa

Minahasa, during Dutch rule, wasn’t your average Joe. By 1930, more than half of them could read, doing fancy jobs like clerks, plantation bosses, and even assistant missionaries. The Dutch bigwigs called them “Eurasians in the Indies” because they had it good.

But here’s the twist—this exclusivity vibe was feeding into Minahasa’s own brand of nationalism. Sam and the gang dream of subtly taking over Sulawesi, blending in like pros. Life’s good, but there’s tension bubbling underneath, leading to groups like the Minahasa Union. coin303

From the Minahasa Union to the Minahasa Council

Picture 1919. The Minahasa Union throws this Gelijkstelling petition at the Dutch government, yelling for equality. Guess what? It works! The Minahasa Council (Minahasa Raad) is born. 1927 rolls around, and Sam Ratulangi’s like, “Hold my diploma,” as he starts his own party, the Minahasa Unity (Persatuan Minahasa). But it’s like a shooting star; it shines but doesn’t stick around.

Minahasa Unity: Playing Both Sides

Fast forward to 1934-1938. Half of the Minahasa Council is wearing the Minahasa Unity jersey. Things get hazy between local and national movements. In 1939, the Minahasa Unity joins forces with the big shots—the Indonesian Political Federation (GAPI).

Uncertainties and Sam Ratulangi Federalism Talk

Sam Ratulangi brings out the big guns, pushing for federalism to patch things up between Minahasa and Indonesian nationalism. But the Minahasa Unity does a weird dance, rejecting Unity of Indonesian Political Organizations (PPPKI). Why? They’re not vibing with how PPPKI deals with the Dutch government and some nationhood drama.

Sam Ratulangi Legacy and Today’s Struggles

Even after Sam Ratulangi kicks the bucket in 1949, his ideas linger. The Minahasa Unity throws shade at the idea of putting “Islamic sharia” in Pancasila during talks about Indonesia’s independence. In 2006, there’s talk about Minahasa independence, all about freedom to practice religion without the drama. And guess what? As of May 13, 2017, folks in Minahasa are still throwing a party at the airport, telling a high-ranking dude to hit the road.

Conclusion: Minahasa’s Cool, Complicated Story

Mix in Christianity, Dutch rules, school smarts, and local pride, and you get this wild Minahasa nationalism. They’re like the rebels of Indonesia. Sam Ratulangi’s idea of federalism? It’s like the OG solution. Minahasa’s got this crazy history, still figuring out who they are, and Sam’s legacy? It’s alive and kicking.